Friday, September 7, 2007

Educational hiccup

It is pretty obvious to all of us that education in America needs alot of work. Having teachers teach subjects they are not educated on teaching is one of the biggest mistakes schools of today are making. How is it possible for children to learn effectively if the one guiding them does not even know what they are talking about? But then again, it is rediculous to blame the teachers for the mistakes of a school board. How could we possibly fix this problem? Train more teachers? Well people aren't excatly lining up to be teachers nowadays. I, myself, am. And hopefully, my small contribution will help kids actually learn and absorb some quality information to make them better leaders for tomorrow. Even with all the hell from school officials and horrible pay, like in "Stand and Deliver"I am going to go through to get there.
I know that we live in a time when race shouldn't be an issue, but obviously, it still is when it comes to the education of America's children. It's not like it happens on purpose, or maybe it does, but for the majority, at least from what I've seen, schools tend to be more predominantly one race. I think that is not because they are pressured to go to a school with poeple of the same race, but that people naturally tend to cling to people that they can familiarize temselves with, just look around campus and you'll see for yourself. In "Still Seperate, Still Unequal", Kozol continuosly names the statisics of school without funding for predominantly black school, and although I am not discounting his information, is it really possible that nowhere in the United States there is a school that is predominantly white and poor? I personally do not know, but it seems to me that it is at least worth questioning. So if there are school mostly full of whites, and needs a great deal of funding, then why aren't they getting any publicity like the schools from Kolzol's writings do?
Never the less, funding for our future leading has completely gone down the drain, and that is in no way acceptable. Our big important officials that make all the rules about how badly we stunt children should go take an ethics class and learn a few things. Maybe thats the problem, people are so consumed by what they are doing that they really honestly don't care about the rest of the world and the future of it. Just as long as they are getting paid to act like they do, everything is gravy, for them anyway. But it won't be for long.


Angelica C said...

Good question! I really would like to find out if there is an all white school with poor funding. I think teachers are the backbone to education and success, and if you are a motivating and motivated teacher thats probably your best bet to a successful student.

sgh said...

I would also like to know about underfunded white schools (isn't this strange that we are talking about "white" and "black" schools?).

As for teachers teaching outside of their subject, how would you feel if a football coach was teaching this course?

Dawn Schneider-Garcia said...

I too am training to be a teacher. It's going to be a hard road! One of my biggest fears is having to teach something I know very little about just so I can pay the bills. Who knows, maybe if there are more teachers coming into the field who know and understand the issues we are discussing in class, there could be some changes!