Sunday, September 2, 2007

A Night Out

Most high school student are always thinking up ways to get out of school, to skip and not get caught, which I did my fair share of, but the night me and my friends snuck into the school, was by far the most memorable. We ran around the football field, found an open door and ran around inside, we didnt damage anything, but just to be able to do that was somehow liberating.

Throughout high school all I could think was how horrible this place was, but that night, sneaking back into school made me realize that an institution like that was good, full of memories, my memories. It made me realize that i could go to college and experience the same things. Now I doubt I'll sneak into one of the buildings on campus and run around in it and have some uplifting experience, but I will not take for granted the memories and the friends I will make here.

1 comment:

sgh said...

That does sound fun! Imagine how different school would be without all of the dullness. Imagine being able to run around whenever you wanted! I wonder how different our educations would have been.